
Reviving Ukraine: One Step at a Time

Recover Ukraine is a committed Non-Profit Global Humanitarian Organization, tirelessly working hand-in-hand with a myriad of Ukrainian communities, forward-thinking corporations, and supportive government entities. Our principal focus lies in the ideation, development, and on-ground execution of practical and impactful strategies that contribute significantly to Ukraine's recovery and overall development.

Our core mission encompasses the establishment and successful running of initiatives aimed at driving the rejuvenation and restoration of our beloved Ukraine. This extends beyond merely mending the physical landscape, reaching into the social and economic realms as we strive to revive communities and stimulate growth across all sectors.

Through the power of collaboration, we've forged strong alliances with various partners. This extensive network of alliances enables us to distribute our resources and funds across a vast array of organizations, increasing our impact and influence, and accelerating the realization of our mission.

Our collaboration also extends to the people of Ukraine. We understand that real change comes from the grassroots, so we strive to empower local communities, enabling them to take part in the recovery process actively.

We believe in the strength and resilience of Ukraine. United with our collaborators, we're reshaping Ukraine's destiny and paving the way towards a prosperous, self-reliant future. We see a Ukraine that stands strong amidst challenges, and we're here to aid in building that vision. Join us as we together write a new chapter in Ukraine's history


We're dedicated to restoring Ukraine's vigor through practical programs, fostering collaborations, and empowering local communities to contribute to national recovery and growth



Our vision at Recover Ukraine is a thriving, resilient, and restored Ukraine. We see a future where Ukraine's communities prosper, with their cultural heritage honored, economic prospects amplified, and social bonds stronger than ever. We aspire to facilitate a comprehensive recovery that respects and enhances the unique Ukrainian spirit. Leveraging our global network of partners, we aim to channel collective efforts into transformative solutions, creating lasting impacts for every Ukrainian. United, we envisage building a future wherein Ukraine stands as a beacon of hope, resilience, and prosperity, inspiring nations worldwide.



Andriy Dyshuk

As a co-owner and director of FGS, Andrey brings a wealth of experience in international project management, administrative support, and construction. His stellar career started with providing interpretation services and swiftly transitioned into managing major international projects, like the Biological Threat Reduction Program in Ukraine. His ability to manage and sustain complex projects was further cemented when he successfully implemented different US and EU Government humanitarian initiatives in Ukraine. Coupled with his credentials in project management and an Executive MBA from Sheffield University, Andrey is an invaluable asset to the Recover Ukraine team, inspiring change and progress.



Nik Popov

Nik Popov, a resilient and ambitious member of Recover Ukraine, exemplifies the spirit of adaptability. Having founded IT companies like Smart Soft Team and PM-DT, and led startups in diverse sectors, he showcases expertise in IT, digital transformation, and management. Despite significant adversities, including the impact of war, his enterprises have survived and thrived. From business development to crisis management, Nik's dedication to moving forward and never giving up adds immense value and tenacity to the Recover Ukraine team.



Volodymyr Kryvenko

Volodymyr Kryvenko, a versatile entrepreneur, finance expert, and athlete, is a prominent member of Recover Ukraine. His translation company, KLS, facilitates global understanding through language services in over 30 languages. An adept project manager with analytical skills, he's grown KLS to an international ISO-compliant agency, serving renowned clients like the US Embassy in Ukraine and UNICEF. A passionate traveler and sportsperson, Volodymyr's adventurous spirit and relentless dedication echo throughout his professional and personal life.



Vitalii Kushnir

Board member Vitalii Kushnir spearheads various international projects and utilizes global contacts to secure funding and resources. His relentless effort has propelled neonatal healthcare in Ukraine, establishing Ukraine's first Breast Milk Bank and leading impactful humanitarian projects. His leadership extends to the Charity Fund 'FOR CHILD' and 'Neonatology, Surgery and Perinatal Medicine' journal.





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