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Infrastructure Recovery

Transforming disaster into hope, our program focuses on dismantling damaged structures and reconstructing homes and crucial state facilities. Through innovative recycling strategies, we turn debris into reconstruction materials, fostering sustainable recovery.

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Digital rebirth of the nation

Empowering Ukraine's digital transformation, we provide education from basic to advanced levels, supporting job placement in partner companies. We combat war-induced unemployment through digital learning and foster startup growth with strategic support and investment facilitation.

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Humanitarian demining

Safety is paramount. Our projects include educational courses on projectile safety and extensive land demining operations. We're actively preventing harm and making Ukraine safer, one cleared land at a time.

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Medical renaissance: support and recovery

With a strong commitment to healthcare, we deliver essential medicines and drive recovery-focused health projects. Our efforts are instrumental in reinforcing Ukraine's medical sphere during this crucial recovery phase.

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Holistic Rehabilitation

Offering a full-spectrum rehabilitation program for veterans, we focus on their physical, psychological, social, and financial recovery. Our goal is to ease their transition post-hostilities, fostering a supportive and understanding society.


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Wybzeże Ojca Sw. Jana Pawla II, 20 37-700, Pzemysł, Polska